Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fast Lane

I'm going to attempt to make a post that hasn't been very well thought out.

Life has changed, permanently. With the start of a new job and a new home comes a new persona and new lifestyle. Although I am not where I want to be yet, things are escalating higher and higher. Things cost more. Work is serious. Friendships are tighter.

Recently I've taken the big step of applying for a mortgage and buying my own property. The last 1 month has been going at four times the speed as my life in Austin, and it has been frustrating the entire way. My parents insist on emailing me and then calling me while I'm busy to recite exactly what they e-mailed me in poor, broken English. I've filled out countless papers and called numerous people and visited one too many properties and it seems like all this effort is because people are too lazy to coordinate amongst themselves. There needs to be a shared system of information for everyone (the INTERNET hint hint). Too bad the government never learned to use that.

Enough griping. I slept 5 hours yesterday and the day was terrible. I vowed I would sleep 8 hours today and it's already 30 minutes past my bedtime. I think coffee really does affect me contrary to what I've believed up until now. It used to put me to sleep, but today I drank some and felt less tired and definitely warmer. However, relying on that stuff is a bad habit, because the natural high of self-motivation should be sufficient to keep me awake.

French vanilla creme ranks as one of the top 10 most awesome consumption inventions ever... right below bagels, donuts, and of course rice krispie treats.

I need to get to bed now... tata.